About three years ago, Jeff's sister, husband, and girls were moving to Arizona from Midvale, Ut. Jeff's sis is a good gardener and had some strawberry starts she wanted to give out before they moved. We got some starts, and being the not-so-good gardener that I am, they sat in the box they came in for several weeks. When I finally remembered them, I thought for sure they would be dead and shriveled, but to my surprise, they were still clinging to life! I guess they had been getting watered with the sprinklers through the cardboard. I decided to reward them for their tenacity, so I planted them in my regular flower beds in the front yard, not really convinced they would even live. Had I known these little buggars would pull through and actually thrive, I would have chosen a better place for them :) They have been thriving... at least the foliage part of them have... taking more and more space in my front flower bed. This year, FINALLY, they have fruit! They are small berries, not the kind you'd get from Costco, but they are sooooo sweet and yummy.
So what's the moral of this story? If you really suck at gardening... try strawberries!
side note: I took the picture above with my new camera!
Dear Daughter - Grades
5 years ago
How bout that? They look pretty yummy, maybe that is because of the photographer??? When are you going to post pics of your artichokes? hahahahahaha
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