Sunday, April 6, 2008


April 4, 2008 marked the 40th anniversary of the assasination of Martin Luther King Jr. Every year I kind of keep the date in the back of my mind, not really anything I think too much about, but it's there. I think if U2 had not written and sang a song about the incident, I may not even remember the actual date. This year for some reason it gave me more pause to think about MLK, what he accomplished in his lifetime, and about the other people like him who seem to have almost superhuman abilties to stand up strong and unwavering in their convictions. I admire that quality in others. MLK's policy was to use your voice, your intellect, your soul, to facilitate change. Isn't that what being human is all about? Any animal can use their teeth and claws, horns or antlers, or throw their weight around to get what they want. We have been given the gift of reasoning, and I admire those people who really figure out how to use that gift to make our world a better place.


britaag said...

I totally agree mom, it's something us humans have that no other creachers on this earth have. And yet only few of us have what it takes to use it.