Tuesday, April 8, 2008


After weeks of waiting and wondering when they would arrive... the goat babies are here! We were expecting some of them a few weeks ago, but must have miscalculated their due date.

Daisy is our youngest mom and she was the one to get things rolling. She had her twin boys yesterday afternoon, in between our check-ups, and behind our backs! Stinker! So we missed the birth. We named the tan baby boy "Trigger", and the black baby boy "Pal". Mom and babies are doing well. I guess since she is newer at the the whole mom thing, she is extra protective. It's kinda funny to watch her out there freaking out about every sound and movement. She's going to wear herself out with worry! Reminds me of myself with Brit, actually!

I guess Willow decided that if Daisy was going to have babies, she wanted hers too. We went out this morning to feed and found that she'd had twin girls sometime during the night or early morning hours. "Honeysuckle" and "Sage" are their names. Both babies are black and so cute! The babies were already dry and moving around by the time we saw them. So, that's it for us this year, and we missed both births. Bummer. But it's great that everyone is healthy and doing fine.


Jenifer said...

Fun! Too cute. I love how animals are the best mommys! Sorry you missed it, but just think how much work you didn't have to do!

Kaylee said...

They are the cutest batch of babies we have ever had!!

Nathan W said...

E e e e asy with the cute comments. Jeff has sent me pics of your goats. If an apple doesn't fall far from the tree they'll grow up to be hornless pygmy non-spotted giraffs.

Kim Bringhurst said...

Ah come one... we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Ali said...

Your baby goats are so cute! Me and the kids want to come see them sometime. We think goats are so cute. To bad they are not more cuddly:)