Dear Kaylee,
Today I thought about what an amazing person you are. Eleven years ago today, you came into this world, and our family, and we have been better each day because of it. I still remember so well the first time I looked at you and saw sweetness and even wisdom in your little face. You didn't cry like many babies do, in fact you seemed to take to this mortal existance without much struggle at all. I was worried because we'd had a few weeks on pins and needles, not knowing how long you'd be able to make it, still inside of mom. You were healthy and strong, and even though you were two weeks early, a whopping 8 lbs. and 21 inches long!
In your younger years I wasn't sure how I'd keep you on the ground. You've been a dare-devil and an adventurer since day one. There were so many years that we didn't go a day without some kind of boo-boo or injury. In fact, for a while there, you were averaging 8-10 accidents a day. But I've watched you as you've worked so hard to temper yourself. You've also been strong willed and independent. I used to wonder during those "terrible twos" if you'd ever be able to have friends... what with all the bossiness and biting. I've loved watching you grow into a caring and empathetic young lady. You are such a sweet friend, sister, cousin, and daughter. It amazes me how thoughtful you are, how much you care for others and their comfort.
I love that you are able to "talk" to cats. I love your natural desire to become better and better each day. You are a gifted reader, and a wonderful student.
I love your daily hugs, your concern for me when I'm not feeling well, and your natural ability to nurture. I know that you will be a wonderful mother someday, if you choose. I am grateful that you are an independent thinker, that you have many questions, and that you will come to me when you need answers (at least part of the time anyway). I love spending each day with you, you are my bestest girl in the whole world! My greatest wish for you on your 11th birthday, is a life filled with happiness and purpose.
Dear Daughter - Grades
5 years ago
Hey kay this is tan nice tat
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