What if you had just moved your kids and self from the comfort of your 4500 square foot home, which is nestled on an acre of privacy, in a city where you have lived for most of your life, and feel comfortable, into a 400 square foot 5th wheel trailer, in a strange city, and whole different state, in an rv trailer park, where you can't even fart without your neighbors hearing? What if you had traded a comfortable daily routine, which included plenty of socialization, a gym membership, hi-speed Internet, and DVR, for temporary chaos, walking dogs in strange and sometimes stinky places, having to mapquest every time you leave your new, tiny home, and... gasp... old fashioned antenna television!? What if you had spent your morning driving to a strange, new, airport, on unfamiliar roads to drop off and say goodbye to your Sweetie, and then spent your afternoon trying to figure out how to fix a leaking valve in your new, tiny, home... without the help of the man who usually just takes care of these kinds of things? What if every few minutes you were on the brink of another panic attack, wondering how you thought any of this would actually be good for your health... wondering if you've really, seriously, lost your marbles for real this time? What would you do?
You wanna know what I would do? I'd watch "Nacho Libre." I don't care how bad things get, Nacho will cheer me up every time. "Chancho, when you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room, yist for fun."
Dear Daughter - Grades
5 years ago
Although I've never seen Nacho Libre, I think it's a great thing to do. You're a brave woman. That's what you can do...bask in your braveness. What a woman.
Sounds like you are having fun! You ARE brave! (You know I cannot fix a toliet to save my life!) You are awesome!
I agree, Nacho always does the trick! "Nacchhooooooooooo!" =)
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