Main Entry: de·press
Pronunciation: \di-ˈpres, dē-\
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French depresser, from Latin depressus, past participle of deprimere to press down, from de- + premere to press — more at press
Date: 14th century
1obsolete : repress , subjugate
2 a: to press down
3: to lessen the activity or strength of
4: sadden , discourage
5: to decrease the market value or marketability of
— de·press·ible \-ˈpre-sə-bəl\ adjective
No, I'm not going through a time of uncontrolled sadness. I am just so slow! Everything about my daily routine is "depressed." It takes me twice as long to do my regular stuff and to be honest, I don't have that much extra time! Anyone else feeling this way? I get this way when the weather starts to be below 50 degrees and so here's my theory... I was a bear in a former life.
Yep, that has to be it. That must be why I spend the entire summer and fall eating everything in sight, and then by December all I want to do is sleep until spring. If you do happen to see me in the next few months, I'll be the one in the shaggy fur coat, (not real fur of course) stumbling around stupidly, and growling at people. Sorry, but you can't fight nature!
Dear Daughter - Grades
5 years ago
Only a month to go and you will be snuggled in the 70's!!!
You're the funniest blogger I know! I too slow down this time of year! All I want to do is snuggle in a blanket by the fire! Looking forward to the Christmas party! See ya soon!
Love, Amy
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