I've been tagged, thanks Jen. I'm supposed to list 7 things about me that other people may not know and then tag 7 other people. I'm going to bend the rules of the game since I don't know 7 other people (not including Jenifer, and Ali, who both just got tagged themselves) who have a blog. I only know 4. So I will be listing 4 things about me, and tagging 4 other bloggers. Here are the rules:
Here are the rules. #1 Link to the person that tagged you. #2 Post the rules on your blog. #3 Share seven (or four) random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. #4 Tag seven (or four) random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. #5 Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.
1) I don't really like pizza. If I'm going to eat it, I just want the frozen Totino's cheap kind.
2) I like to research things. I will read a reference book any day over fiction. If I'm interested in something or have a question about something, I will spend hours and hours researching it.
3) I love the "terrible twos". For some reason I just love that developmental stage in kids! I think the terrible twos start at around age 18 months and last until about age 3 1/2 though, don't you? Two full years of tantrums, "I do it", and "no". Love it!
4) I'm a rocker at heart. I like all different musical genres, but I must admit that I'm more relaxed listening to Metallica than I am Mozart.
So that's me, in a tiny nutshell. Now I'm going to tag...
Have fun!
Dear Daughter - Grades
5 years ago
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