Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Does anyone else get that crazy urge to open all the closets and drawers, empty out everything, dump the junk, and start over this time of year? That is exactly what I plan to do... Except it's not closets and drawers I'll be cleaning out this year, it's colon and pores! I will be forced to learn way more about my bodily functions, oh so much more about my "organs of elimination," than I ever wanted to know. You don't even want to know how much you can learn about a person from their poop! So off I go, on a path of discovery, to clean this little house of skin and cells. I'll take pictures! For the past five days my life has been...



And dinner

Believe me, that thick, green sludge IS the EASIER way to eat the 2 lbs. of leafy greens I have to consume each day! Wish me luck.


Jenifer said...

Oh. My. Goodness.
wow. I really really hope that when this is over you feel better. And when you say of what? Poop? Or your lovely skin?

Kristi said...

Glad to see you're blogging again and ummmmm yeah let us know how the poop comes out....figuratively of course! ha ha I crack myself up...ha ha did it again :) "crack" okay I'm functioning on no sleep...sorry :-)